Friday, December 30, 2005

Bad Ads 2: Maria Sharapova Canon Ad

This ad is so bad, it was probably directed by someoone out of a really bad theater (or theatre) school, and acted by someone who is probably good only at tennis, however good looking she is.

What is with Maria taking the camera out of her inner thighs? Oh yeah, she is so skimpily dressed to take the shots from the tennis ball (a pink frock). So, she has to hide the camera somewhere!

Come on, I am not a puritan, but isn't this stupid? What do cameras have to do with Maria, shooting out her name with tennis balls onto some wall and shooting them? Or the fact that she uses the deeper realms of her periphery to store them?

Where, oh where are stupid ideas born?

1 comment:

Srihari Yamanoor said...

And that is the whole point...

Up: Maria Oglers

Down: Canon, who paid for the ad

Viva the "under mask - soft porn industry"

Ha ha ha.