Monday, June 29, 2009

So what have the republicans been smoking?

[Please click on the following to read original article]

It's not enough that Palin and Limbaugh represent the future face of the Party. The Republicans want to take it much further:

One of them propositions men at Airport restroom stalls

Another has an affair outside marriage and gets the affaire's Husband a job

One of them flies to Argentina without telling anyone and has an affair or ends an affair or whatever...

And this one, was running around naked:;_ylt=AtW.E1ehoD9.57qLcws.YgvtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJqbTJydjQwBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNjI3L3VzX29kZF9uYWtlZF9tYXlvcgRjcG9zAzIEcG9zAzUEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yeQRzbGsDZm9ybWVybWF5b3Jp

Wonder what is going to happen next...

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Here's a yet-to-be 4th grader that is smarter than your average South Carolina Governor...

So the South Carolina Governor went A.W.O.L. without telling anyone. A fairly inane thing to do and, of course, makes for good, space-filling press fodder. And, I of course have no interest in his whereabouts.

However, look at this kid:

Upon getting lost, he made himself quite resourceful and made sure he was found as quickly as possible. Two men, separated by age and wisdom. Of course, the wisdom found itself on the wrong side of the stereotypical age!

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stupidity - The new apartment management tool for the recessed economy

All across the country, apartments and independent houses lay barren. Many, especially in places like Michigan have fallen prey to fire, drug sales and so on. I have started noticing apartments giving away free internet access in some cases, in a bid to try and get people to rent space.

All this doesn't hold a candle to what these idiots in Boulder, Colorado are doing to make sure that people continue to rent space from them.

They are harassing their customers with stupid rules.

In a time-worn tradition of picking on the Grandmas and the weak among us, this particular apartment management company was pissed off, apparently by her Easter Decoration which hung for two weeks beyond what the management thought was an appropriate celebration of Jesus's resurrection.

If you looked close at me, you would find no Jesus freak in me, but come on. This is not a one-off incident. Two years ago, in some condominium complex, some Indian Hindu guy had a religious plant and a flag at the back of his house in Florida, and the idiots who called themselves his neighbors went on a 21st century style lynch mob, suing and terrorizing him.

This is one of the main reasons why I don't like apartments, condos and "communities", and hey if the economy screwed them over, it's not much harm done. The sameness of the houses and the pitiable disugised unemployment of pitiable "Property Managers" to enforce nonsensical laws....

Anyway, I am guessing Grandma still may not win. And that, my dears, is what constitutes irony and general sadness. All one can predict is, that with such actions, companies like AIMCO will continue to taste the fruits of the downturn for a long, long time to come.

Original Article:;_ylt=Au856NsNrn0j0hok5.z76QDtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJzZGk1OW9zBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNjIxL3VzX29kZF9lYXN0ZXJfYnVubnlfZGlzcHV0ZQRjcG9zAzEEcG9zAzEEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yeQRzbGsDd29tYW5zYXlzc2hl

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The City of Bozeman secedes from Iran rescinds acts of insane inanity

Alright! So, "Global Outrage" works. Like someone posted here on Slashdot:

"What else can we start worldwide backlashes against? They seem to f* work."

Well how about one against Indian Government Hospitals? For details, go here

So, what is all the hue and cry about? If you have not read what I posted here yesterday, you have just been downright mean, uninformed and naughty!, based on a stroke of genius, the City of Bozeman decided to capitalize on the unemployment rates of 2009 by demanding that all job applicants stand in the noon sun on one leg and do hops and skips...okay, okay... they decided to require that all applicants submit their Yahoo! Gmail, Facebook, MySpace and other extremely pertinent passwords so that they could judge their applicants' character.

What is the difference you say? (I mean the difference between asking someone to go stand in the sun on one leg and hop/skip..)

Let's just call it the incident. Of course, I leave it up to you to call it the most stupid thing adults could ever do. Just so we are clear, I am not the one calling it, he he.

On some random website whose url was almost all consonants, approximately 6300 people thought Bozeman had been taken over by Bozos, while 45 disagreed promptly and another handful said they couldn't care one way or the other.

Oh come on. I side with the 45 dissident netizens.

After all, which Craigslist Personal Ads you put out there and which ones you respond to will eventually determine how good you are at your job. (It will be if you are a South Carolina Attorney General looking for cheap, borderline-legal publicity).

In any case, the next time I am on my way to Yellowstone, I will stop by Bozeman again. Of course, I will have this big grin...

And it must be party time at Montana's News (yes, creativity is somehow wanting all over the state, what with all the hitherto-unseen-herewith-unforeseeable page hits:

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to take advantage of potential employees in a bad economy, brought to you by Bozeman, MT

You have to love driving through some of these towns. So, once on my winter trip to the Yellowstone, I actually stayed in this town. So, it's good to know how bad they like to treat people.

What is up with Idiot Station Central, I mean Bozo-town, er, the Government of the City of Bozeman?

They want anyone applying for city jobs to give out their Google, Yahoo!, YouTube, Facebook and other online profile passwords if they want to apply for a job. Of course, this is 2009, right?

What is the harm in taking advantage of the hapless jobless?

Better still, the Government likes to justify it - "No one has withdrawn an application because of this".

Hey, this makes Kamala Harris and her bullies gang of the City of San Francisco (Childs, anyone?) look like angels! And of course, if you ever thought why so many people have such stellar opinions of the Midwest, you know who is behind it.

Of course, the next time I drive to Yellowstone, I wonder if I will want to just drive on by Bozeman without stopping.

Want to throw up? Join me:

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

My Sexperience with Bing...

[Please click on the following to read original article]

Unfortunately, writer's block can go both ways. Sometimes you don't know what to say, and sometimes you don't know when to stop...every minute since I heard about the search for "sex" being closed out by Bing in India(search results go dead and you are gently asked to search for something, or use an actual search engine)....I have only wondered.

Where do we start?

1. Okay who was the low IQ perv who first looked up "sex" on Bing. Keywords boy, keywords...gotta look for the right thing. Alright, I give in. After all most exciting discoveries and inventions were accidental, n'est pas? Maybe he/she (could have been, right?) was looking for some "decision" making help?

2. Our main concern here is - is this really censorship from Microsoft. After all if there are 1 billion of us, then we probably knew how to, even before Google or computers, right? Unless of course, 'em storks have been partial to the future of your software companies and IT support...(and those Bangaloreans Obama would like to not give jobs away to - yeah I split my infinitives, go Bing yourself now!)

3. So, going back to point 2, does Microsoft not want us to know about "it", also known as the birds and the bees, or do they just want fewer Indian babies?

4. It is amazing that while the original genius mentioned in #1 only looked for the three-lettered word, some of the commentators in the article referred below have seen how far Bing has gone with other body parts in India, Singapore, Australia and beyond. Apparently you can look up the "V" word (see, not actually writing the words makes it more exciting right?) but not the "P" word.

I think the V vs. P strategy is really good. After all, if you didn't know how to make what go where you won't try it - kinda like the unfinished Ikea furniture assembly that has been lying around half finished in your garage for six months...

Okay, I gotta admit, if I say anything more, Bing may never let me come up on their puritan, purgatory, Catholic Nun's Almanac decision engine again. So, with my selfish "blog searchability" in mind, I am going to stop...

If you are reading about sex on this blog from India, you know you heard it here, even if not at first, definitely not at Bing!

And now, for your reading "pleasure":

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.