Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dalai Lama to Pope - I see your facebook account and raise you a twitter....

Alright, Dalai Lama!

When the pope went on facebook and youtube you knew the "game was on".

He was calling on all the other religious leaders to "bring it" (like all the otherwise unemployable judges on MTV say).

Most religious leaders ducked ... but, the Dalai Lama was not going to back down.

After all, unlike the Pope who has his own country, palaces and the means to ban Bill Maher, Dalai Lama has to live in India, fear persecution and the Chinese Government...

Given that the "elite" Chinese students must be raring to hack into the Lama-dude's twitter account, you would think he would back down...not him!

Yours truly is following him, and recommends you do as well:


When I added myself, there were about 93,804 followers (me being the 5 that ensued) of Lama-san. Now, pope-meister and Hu - how many people do you have following you?

Ze Pope had 98,356 fans as of 8:15pm, PST on 2/23/2010...and he has been a member since much longer than the L.

Must especially hurt the Frockmeister, since he wants his priests to go forth and molest, er, preach using social networks such as Facebook, buzz, eharmony and other social networks. If the Lama beats him, just after 2 days...what is Rome going to do?

How will they beat the pagan? What puffs of smoke will Rome send up the internet's, uh-hmm, tubes, to deal with this problem?

How long will it be before the Chinese schools hack this account - after all, harassing Tibetans is not just a way of life, but a security issue...!

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Copyright Information: Whereas the blog postings themselves are stolen by the author from the recesses of his deranged mind, he holds all the rights to everything on this blog. Yet, he secretly hopes you will copy his stuff to satisfy his ego. He may still sue you to prove to the world that he makes stuff worth pirating...seriously, still reading this?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Was Palin more hurt because she was referred to on Family Guy, or were we more hurt because we are hopey and changey

First off, someone paid her $100,000 to talk. People usually ask me to shut up. Did I go on Fox News and launch a tirade about the unfairness with which we are treated?

Maybe I should?

So, I watched the Family Guy episode, live, a rare occurence for me. Here were my reactions:

a. Oh my god, and then I realized I don't believe in jack-asses that don't exist and if they did, should be in prison (for among other things, having created me).

b. Oh well, it is Family Guy.

Now the funny thing is, it wasn't South Park that did it. And now, I think we should have a match off and have all the animatronic shows mention Palin as many times as possible.

After all, it will garner her all the publicity she needs, further burying our hopeys and changeys.

I have a feeling Palin's indignation had nothing to do with autistic people or other people with special abilities, because if she understood them, then she wouldn't treat Family Guy episodes the way she has done.

Moreover, by trying to openly hurt a vast majority of us, she doesn't have this self-perceived authority to defend autistic people:

Oh well, Ms. Palin, did you stop and think before you quipped, "How is the hopey, changey thing going?"

Well, here's to hoping ....

Palin's own 2012 hopeys

I understand that a half-black man with immense oratorical talents becoming the President before completing a single term as senator can give a lot of people hope.

Yes, to move forward and become something.

But see, he didn't chicken out, resign and run away after 18 months. He got promoted, so to speak.

Heck, the guy won't give up on his damned health care thing even now (please don't!).

Autism, disabilities, Sarcasm for dum...former Governors of Alaska and the Family Guy

Andrea Fay Friedman, an autistic actress played the role of the autistic cartoon character in the Family Guy episode.

While she said several wonderful things, including calling out Sarah Palin on treating her son as a "vote bank" loaf of bread, she made an unfortunate slip.

She tried to explain sarcasm to Sarah Palin.

Little did she know that Palin has her own "understanding" on sarcasm.

According to Sarah Palin, it is OKAY for Rush Limbaugh to call people with special abilities "f*ing retards" - yes, he actually f*ing did!

That, according to Palin is sarcasm.

However, it is not okay for Rahm Emanuel to do so...

(and Rahm, will you shut the f* up - hopefully talking to you in your own terms may, possibly help?)

Weird? You betcha!

I have another theory for why sarcasm may be out of the reach of Palin...her inner palm is too small for the explanation to be written out succinctly and r-word proofingly!

Here is Andrea Fay Friedman's wonderful statement:


The State of the Union real hopey-changey thing

The real hopey-changey thing, some people tell me, is that some time, in the not so distant future, maybe, possibly, plausibly, the Republican Party can field a candidate with working brains!

And that hopey-changey thing, Ms. Palin, is not doing well....

Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Copyright Information: Whereas the blog postings themselves are stolen by the author from the recesses of his deranged mind, he holds all the rights to everything on this blog. Yet, he secretly hopes you will copy his stuff to satisfy his ego. He may still sue you to prove to the world that he makes stuff worth pirating...seriously, still reading this?

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Liberty - the one everyone loved to date, parade and then dump...

Alternate Title: Who want's to play, "Let's trade a senator!"?

Note: This post brought to you by the 1st amendment rights, which when used against against Justice Clarence Thomas, makes him very angry...

Supremely Injudicial

Different countries in the world have different ways of establishing and running a "supreme" court. For example, in Pakistan, you can get arrested for being a supreme court judge and thrown out of power any time at anyone's whim.

On the other hand, as President in the US, you could use your ineptitude skills to mark the Supreme Court's direction for several decades by appointing judges, ranging from the genius to "I am 40 years old and barely getting through the federal judiciary system".

Thus, President Bush, left his mark on us by creating a lovely system with 5 judges on one side and 4 on another, hell bent on sticking to their stand, no matter what.

After having effectively dismantled election reform, Clarence Thomas and Anthony Kennedy have become regular politics, doing the press rounds, writing major opinions and answering questions asked by timid students carefully hand selected by faculty. What happened oh glorious justices? Too chicken hearted, eh?

According to Tom (Clarence Thomas if you want the unabridged version) here, even newspaper organizations are corporations who can now trade senators. Alright, it may be bad for "The New York Times" and "Washington Post" as corporations to talk about these Justices and how they have liberated corporations from being unable to buy and sell senators and congresspersons, but how about Joe the blogger?

Hey Thomas and Kennedy, this is how the rest of us feel what you did is going to do to us:


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Hopefully the cartoon does the same to you, since you are either too busy or too thick - how else can you be this disconnected from reality?

The picture is not for your assistant to print and give to you so that you can color inside the lines, by the way.

Liberty goes to town

Everyone loves liberty. She is pretty in pink, blue, and now red!

It is not just for ACLU and EFF anymore. Anyone can go on a date with Liberty!

You can scare anyone into submitting to any kind of nonsense you wish to pull, for example - you tell them that they will lose their liberties if the judges and politicians weren't allowed to pull the same liberties from under them to prevent the liberties from being lost...I know, but hey Clarence Thomas, our dear friend here started this, not me!

Yes, truth hurts, but that is the point of liberty - when you pull something DUMB, people get to tell you about it! I think even someone who failed in a law school in Iran or Cuba would get that....


In a way, it is a good thing - you don't want these guys operating your bridges or amusement park rides. At least, by putting senators on sale, these Justices and protectors of liberty are causing less damage than they would in a real job!

Maybe, that is how Supreme Court judges should be selected....

Meanwhile, I wonder what entrepreneur will build the first "Let's trade a senator" game show/social network/real-time-online-secure-confidential stock exchange?!



Claimer: Views presented in this article probably or definitely allude to people real, unreal, imaginary, virtual and otherwise. Any harm or libel cast on people dead, alive or transient is either intentional or otherwise. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author, however he refuses to take responsibility for said views and believes the use of "airquotes" to be a birthright. Claims not included in this claim are also claimed.

Copyright Information: Whereas the blog postings themselves are stolen by the author from the recesses of his deranged mind, he holds all the rights to everything on this blog. Yet, he secretly hopes you will copy his stuff to satisfy his ego. He may still sue you to prove to the world that he makes stuff worth pirating...seriously, still reading this?