Friday, December 12, 2008

Okay, so whatever is wrong with Illinois?

[Please click on title to read original article]

First we found out about Blogovoblogogobovich and then Jon Stewart told us that 3 of the last 7 Governors of Chicago went to prison (!) and with Blogovogo..that would make a 50% of Governors going to prison (!!!)....

And then there are these 4 idiots who decided to commit a felony. Robbing for pizza is stupid. Robbing when stupid is impermissably stupid. Being an Illinois'ian is?

This has now finally wiped off the shame wrought on Florida and Texas for...

Illinois is now officially...

Let's hope Obama, and his Chicago heavy cabinet are unlike these pioneers of pizza thievery...

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Unknown said...

Illinois has gotten stuck in older ways of corruption. Seems like Illinois hasn't modernized any of it inustry yet.. be it car, steel or even corruption !

Kappa said...

So... of all people accused of murder, 42 percent are convicted. If Guv. B. is convicted, he wo'uld be the 4th out of 8 recent Illinois guvnor's to have been convicted.

So apparently a quote on one of the talk shows went like... "You have a higher chance of being convicted if you are accused of being Illinois guvnor